Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tips for Life: 5 Elements of Life to Start Your Day With

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'How are you?' is one of the commonest of greeting questions around the world though it can be asked in different languages and dialects. And not just those who have developed some civilized method of communication over a period of time but also pets ask this question in their own way.

One has to develop a mood which is perfect and in which he/she greets loved ones and even strangers. One of the greatest one we meet every single day is the ‘DAY’ itself. Does that sound hypothetical to you? Believe me it is one of the truths that you will accept after you are done reading this post.

Life is monotonous and it may look like that to us when we have to repeatedly do things, meet people whom we meet every day and so on. But, as they say, “Every day is a new day” and it is actually true, one has to start each day in a positive mood and with lots of energy. Now, to begin a happy day one has to greet the day itself in a very positive way and that is what I will discuss right here. Just adopt any of the 5 Tips/Activities I mention here and you will see a great change happening around you.

Ancient scriptures reveal to us that our body has been made up of five basic elements and those are the basis of my tips to you too. One needs to understand that these are not just elements of life but also the elements of time that co-exists with the elements only. To connect with them needs the knowledge, persistence and curiosity; to actually know them as like people, these elements have a nature and a personality!


Do you feel connected to earth? I am not talking about the conservation stuff here but the element that has kept us together and even our ancestors. It is the place we call as our own and think of having a right upon it as we have marked boundaries among nations and even done the same to small regions of a nation even. A political map can thus not define earth. It helps everything grow and this is why one should get some time to at least touch it or feel it at least once in a day.

Remember last time you lie down on grass in the park? Well, you used to do that as a kid for sure. Those benches that actually give nice aesthetics to some public park are perfect but try lying on the ground. You will feel connected. This is the time when you could opt for something like Shavasana (Corpse pose)

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Shavasana which actually translates into Corpse pose is not any black magic ritual. It actually derives such a weird name because in this Yogic posture a person has to relax and feel like as if he/she does not have any weight. The best way to do this posture is shown in the image given above. Lie on the ground (make sure it does not have a lot of grass as that can be a hideout of insects). Get a Yoga Mat in case you wish not to lie down on ground like that. Now as you lie down, your hands should face the sky above and every part of your body needs to be relaxed.

It can be called a meditation but it is more of feeling attached to the soil or earth. When one does so, he/she feels the gravitational pull. If you are doing the Shavasana then do not force any thought to your mind. Feel as if you do not exist at all and thus you would be one with the earth below.


Water which we also call as an elixir of life is true to its name. We might consider it invaluable at times but its worth is known to the land which gets infertile in its absence. Moreover, water is something that dissolves in itself many different particles. It will take the color of anything or a shape of something. Yet it goes through a cycle and replenishes itself to its purest form. It is how the water is and it can never be corrupted. Though man has left water bodies, land masses as well as the air we breathe polluted but still they keep supporting life for us.

So how does one get connected to water and how can he/she welcome a day using water. I have two great activities to share with you. I call it ‘Take it and Give it’. In the first part you should always drink at least one liter bottle of water every single day right at the time you wake up. It must be the first thing you do before getting down from the bed. The water cleanses your body.

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Yoga gurus suggest yet another activity that helps in cleansing sinuses of our head region and it goes by the name of ‘Neti’ or simply call it ‘Nasal-Water drinking’. It is not difficult to do and anyone can do it as it has no harmful effects. You can easily buy a Neti pot in the market or purchase the same using an online store.

Once you get it you just need some water and a pinch of salt. It cure many a diseases relating to eyes, nose, ear and throat and help people suffering from sinus and migraine to get some relief.

This is of course just one of the activities that Yogis try. There are many others which you can discover online like Vaman (Water Drinking and Vomiting), Dhoti (uses saline water and cotton ribbon) and Varisaar (helps in cleansing of entire digestive system).

All done with the ‘Take it’ part now let us discuss the ‘Give it’ one. Humans have devised a water management system which gives them an access to safe drinking water as well as normal water that is used in household or commercially but most of animals and plants are not so lucky. So why not leave a little of water for birds and animals somewhere around your house? (if you live in a city then at least birds could get some relief by drinking water that you offer to them). Plants also need water time to time so they easily qualify as the next option.

Image Credits: wildlifehotline
 Have you ever tried holding your breath? How long can you do it? People with good lungs might do it for a few minutes and many will fail to even clock a minute. That is the importance of air! Air is all around us and the medium besides water that keep us moving. Air can’t replenish itself like water does. With declining forest lines and growing up infrastructure of cities and urban areas, the air system on our planet has deteriorated. Even then the lesser number of plants still standing on ground help to lower carbon dioxide content from the air and give back oxygen which we all need. 

There is an amazing Yogic activity that apply to air element and is also popular among people around the world. Known by the name of Pranayama (Mastering the Breathing) it is an activity which one should do preferably in the morning time. There are many different forms of Pranayama. If you do not wish to get into detail of Pranayam, then let me share with you a simple technique of getting close to air and greeting it open heartedly.

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You just need to sit in Yogic posture on ground (or just sit in any position that is comfortable for you) and take a deep breath, using your nose only. Hold the breath for a while and feel the air reaching to your lungs. Imagine as if all your impurities are getting loaded onto the air you have just breathed in. Now forcibly exhale all the air assuming you are throwing all the negativity out from your body. It sounds like a simple lung exercise but if you actually inculcate this habit in your daily morning routine then you will surely greet air and feel it with every passing inhale and exhale.

What could be a better example of fire than Sun? Primitive people in many different countries used to worship Sun and even today people do so in many different communities. Sun is the source of energy for everything we see around us. Have you ever greeted the Sun? I must say, it is one of those elements that can make you feel ultra-positive. If you live in a place where you can easily see a sunrise then go on with this activity that I detail ahead:

  • Stand in front of the Sun with open arms

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  • Morning Sun is not hot but warm so when you stand in front of it you feel warmth building inside you
  • Concentrate your mind and imagine that you are a Sun yourself
  • How much energy you have? Answer is tremendous
  • Feel as if you wish to share your energy and the warmth with nature and its creatures
  • Let this Sun represent the factor that brings warmth into your relationships
  • Rub your face using both hands and slowly open your eyes

There are people who cannot follow this routine owing to their job schedules. Such people can try another Yogic technique known by the name of Trataka using a candle flame. It is good for eyes and helps you in developing a better focus in life by staying positive at all times.

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This is the larger element that encompasses everything and even allows all other four elements to co-exist with it. It is the space that holds both micro as well as the macro levels of nature. So how do one do an activity related to universe? The answer is obvious- if it exists outside, it surely lies within you as well. So you have to introspect yourself to get into an activity with it. We all play various roles on our lives. We have relationships, likings,  affections, hatred, work commitments, aspirants, and dreams. We need to realize that apart from all these factors that we take into consideration to define us, we still need to know who we actually are.

Sitting in a meditating pose or just doing something that makes you feel joyful at heart could be the answer. You can derive different meanings of universe by self-introspection.

I will be happy this inspires any of you reading this to take an action. If you think it was worth reading do share it with at least one of your friends whom you care about.

Wish you a beautiful day ahead!

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